Youtube Downloader Gui for Windows

Youtube Downloader is a graphical interface I built for the awesome tool youtube-dl using the Lazarus IDE which compiles code written in the Free Pascal language.

As Wikipedia states, Lazarus is a free cross-platform visual integrated development environment for rapid application development using the Free Pascal compiler. This is an awesome and lighweight way to make simple yet very usefull graphical apps.

It took me about 12 hours to have the first version of this little tool working 💪 🤘.
As of now I’ve only released the Windows binary.

Lazarus IDE

You can use this tool to download videos from youtube by typing an URL in the input field and after choosing a file format the video will start downloading, instead of typing commands.

$ youtube-dl -f 140

The first time it will take a couple of extra seconds more that usual, because it’ll be extracting the youtube-dl file into your AppData directory.

This app was made with by seddin, I hope you enjoy it!


Download links are hosted on Github over here.

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